Thursday 22 July 2021

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Corporate Decision Making

Artificial intelligence was primarily a science fiction subject for decades, but it has dramatically changed nearly every industry over the past years and decades. In fact, the percentage of businesses that use or plan to use AI rose from 10 percent to 37 percent in just four years from 2015 to 2019.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how artificial intelligence and services such as the ai-powered bi tool are changing the way businesses around the world approach key organizational decisions. While we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of artificial intelligence, it’s clear that AI will play a major role in both consumer and business applications throughout the 21st century.

AI and Efficiency

Before artificial intelligence and machine learning tools were widely available, businesses often had to invest substantial resources into research and data collection. These were far more expensive and time-consuming than contemporary AI solutions, and they were at a significant disadvantage when it came to the results.

Today, companies that leverage AI and ML can make more accurate and agile decisions at a fraction of the cost. While these implementations work differently in each industry, artificial intelligence is transforming common practices in nearly every field.

AI in Healthcare

Healthcare is the perfect example of a sector that was waiting to be transformed by AI. By nature, healthcare organizations work with large volumes of patient data—including extremely sensitive information that’s governed by HIPAA and other regulations.

With AI, healthcare organizations can analyze an incredible amount of data and use it to find patterns that wouldn’t be identified by human employees. With that in mind, it’s no surprise that the healthcare AI industry is expected to grow by more than 40 percent per year from 2021 to 2028.

Implementing AI and Predictive Analytics

If you want to get the most out of AI and predictive analytics, you need to fully commit to understanding and leveraging those technologies. This can require significant time and money upfront, but the returns are well worth the investment.

Artificial intelligence will never replace human input—the way you implement AI systems into your practices will determine your long-term results. Effective implementation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive analytics, and other cutting-edge technologies depends on buy-in at every level of your organization.

AI is growing rapidly every year, and companies that fail to adapt will quickly fall behind the competition. 

Tuesday 20 July 2021


It's no secret that Apple updates usually bring about a load of work for app developers, and this iOS 15 beta version that was just released seems to be the same. 

iOS 15 has many new features that improve on the iOS 14 and make life easier for its users. These include the Focus mode, Live Text (which allows users to transcribe, copy and paste from images and camera in real-time), improvements to system apps like FaceTime, Safari, Siri, Apple Maps, and AppleWallet. All this sounds impressive and probably would make a person eager to update their iOS when it's rolled out officially sometime in Fall 2021. 

Apart from these impressive things, how does this iOS relate to developers? What impact will it have on their work?


1. Increased Memory Limit

Increased Memory sounds too good to be true. Still, it's a boon from the Apple gods for third-party app developers, as the document from reveals that app developers can ask for extra memory access in special circumstances. While it's not so clear what those circumstances are, developers can look forward to designing apps with graphics that are even more detailed and in-depth. 

This feature also comes with a caveat, developers. Apple says to make sure that your app still functions properly even without the extra memory space, as they may not give this permission to everyone.


2. SharePlay 

SharePlay is Apple's cool new feature on FaceTime which allows people to share what they're watching or listening to with the people they're on FaceTime with. This tool is a good way to build visibility for your app, and media streaming apps can let users share their content through the new Group Activities API. Sharing also extends beyond video streaming. Users can share anything on SharePlay.


3. Focus 

The new Focus mode allows users to delay receiving notifications to times that work best for them. There are 4 Interruption Levels that developers can use to build apps or plug-ins to help with the more nuanced delivery of notifications.


4. RealityKit 2 

Apple's RealityKit has been upgraded, with the capability for you to build more immersive Augmented Reality experiences. They have added more post rendering effects and custom shaders to enable the AR to work smoothly without any lags. 

There's the Object Capture that helps you turn photos into 3D models that you can optimize for AR, Custom Shaders that blend virtual content with the real world to make it almost indistinguishable from reality. You also get more control over the rendering pipeline with an array of custom render materials to fine-tune the look and feel of your AR world. 

The Swift API allows you to create characters that the players can control to explore your AR world. 

The RealityKit 2 sounds like something every AR developer would love to try their hands on.


5. App Store 

The app store is not a part of the development process per se, but it's a great way to get your app visible to all Apple users. Apple has redesigned their app store with all-new features like their In-App Events, which help you publicize whatever event or promotion you're having on your app right in the app store. They curate personalized recommendations for their users, and these events will show up on these lists, in search results, and on the app product page. You can manage your App Store Connect and check how your app is doing on the Analytics page. 

You can also create custom pages for your app with different promotional texts and screenshots and direct relevant audiences to a particular page using its unique URL. There is also room for product page optimization on the new app. 

As with every new version of every operating system, the iOS 15 has updated and upgraded features that will make the lives of its users a little easier.  These features will spark the creative minds of their developers to make better, more technologically relevant, and aesthetically (graphically) pleasing apps and plug-ins. 

It's time for developers to make hay while the sun shines and get to work on the new versions of their apps optimized for this new version of the Apple iOS.






