Monday, 30 December 2019

The Commodity/Cryptocurrency Evolution is Upon Us
Image result for The Commodity/Cryptocurrency Evolution is Upon Us
2017 marks that year in which cryptocurrencies finally penetrated mainstream consciousness. A victory lap for the cypherpunk culture that pioneered its foundational technologies and underlying philosophy over twenty years ago? Sort of, but not quite.
A schism took place in the perception of the technology itself, widening the gap between two of its primary attributes: blockchain vs. digital currency; function vs. asset; categorical stasis vs. disruptive innovation.
On the one hand, blockchain’s multi-industrial applications gained immediate recognition. Corporations and governments were eager to explore blockchain capabilities to enhance or innovate their current processes and operations.
On the other hand, cryptocurrencies became less of a technological embodiment of libertarian free-market ideals, instead of becoming a vehicle for reckless speculation. A few governments were willing to regulate cryptocurrency speculation and investment; even fewer embraced them.
The irony of this last point is that government oversight and regulation–which the mainstream public seemed to be clamoring for–are exactly the things that the early cypherpunks were fervently working to oppose.
But let’s get back to the topic of crypto speculation. The appropriation or “hijacking” of any product, service, or “brand” is not an uncommon phenomenon; in fact, it happens all of the time, to the extent that it may even constitute a natural part of the product cycle.
But in the case of cryptos, its capacity as a “gaming” object (a wager; gamble) has diverted attention away from its original goal to establish a legitimate alternative currency system; one that is not subject to central bank manipulation or control.
Image result for The Commodity/Cryptocurrency Evolution is Upon Us
The exception to this appropriation is, of course, the HODLers, another word for the long-term devotees (“holders) whose investments stem from a more idealistic view of cryptocurrency’s future monetary potential.
So, what’s next with cryptocurrency? What might its next iteration–its next evolutionary step–look like?
Here’s the real question: what do cryptocurrencies need to transform from an object of speculation to a formidable challenge to “monopolized money”?
Okay, let’s get down to the crux of the matter. There are many characteristics that collectively “define” money (e.g., a unit of account, store of value, etc.). Fine. All are valid.
But ultimately, what matters most is that money maintains a stable level of “purchasing power.” Money is synonymous with purchasing power. Without purchasing power, money is useless.
Cryptocurrencies need a more widely accepted form of purchasing power.
Sure, cryptocurrencies (or rather, “blockchain”) may serve well as a unit of account, and perhaps a store of value depending on the outcome of a given altcoin. Cryptos are storable, transportable, and divisible.
Cryptos also provide heightened privacy and security, inflationary protection, decentralization, and independence from central bank intervention; all of these attributes positive; all more promising than the fiat system. Yet, cryptocurrencies don’t have the same level of purchasing power as cash. And that’s an issue.
So to answer the question–what might be the next evolution in the crypto space?–the answer is obvious if you compare the obvious need against the glaring absence: purchasing power.
In other words…
Cryptocurrencies backed by real assets–ideally gold and silver, but also industrial commodities, perhaps even “services”–may constitute the final iteration of an asset class whose potential to challenge and overtake fiat currency is almost 100% complete.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Exploring the Impossibility of Full Decentralization

This article is originally published in Albaron Ventures 
In our quest to escape from existing corrupt centralized systems, we may believe that it’s possible to achieve complete decentralization. However, recent academic research shows that this is unfeasible — at least sustainably.
For example, Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism relies on many different nodes to “mine,” or verify and facilitate transactions. These miners are rewarded a portion of transaction fees and a shot at winning the Bitcoin block reward, which is currently 12.5 bitcoins or about $115,000– a not insignificant prize dished out about 144 times per day
This has incentivized the creation of “mining pools,” or a collection of nodes that work together and divide the prize among the operators. Mining pools have taken what would otherwise be a decentralized utopia and coalesced a degree of centralization. The current state of Bitcoin mining is far from a single entity controlling the network with a  51% lion’s share, but it still highlights the downfalls of decentralization. 

Image via

There are cryptocurrencies that utilize different consensus mechanisms such as Proof-of-Stake and Delegated-Proof-of-Stake, and they manage to address some of Bitcoin’s drawbacks (such as high energy costs to mine), but they still leave the glaring decentralization issue. 
A particularly noteworthy concept is that Bitcoin, a network with no single individual party dictating its future, has gravitated towards centralization on its own. Centralized entities may receive some flak in the cryptocurrency and blockchain community, but they are at least able to enforce and control certain elements, a task nearly impossible for a theoretical, fully decentralized entity

Do we really need full decentralization?

The core tenet of decentralization, at least among the common blockchain ethos, is that decentralization insulates the network from tyranny and corruption, a duo that has plagued human governance and economics since the dawn of organized civilization. 
The same concepts that power Adam Smith’s “free market” philosophy that underpins modern economics encourage decentralization as long as every party is properly incentivized (mining rewards) and has access to somewhat similar resources (electricity, reasonable utility costs, etc) as the next. 
The glory of today’s blockchains isn’t so much derived from the idea of a utopian decentralization, but more so as a rebellion against the status quo of centralized banks dictating the economy, individuals being tethered to the success of their government, and the ability for large tech corporations and banks to shut down financial accounts at will. 
There are several degrees of “decentralization”, and even though not “perfect,” even smaller decentralization improvements can be disruptive to the existing “centralized” status quo. 
The goal is to figure out which areas will be impacted first; and which are the top use cases given the infrastructure’s properties (security, decentralization, scalability). 
For example, think of the idea of a decentralized “Uber,” a popular thought experiment in the blockchain entrepreneurial community. When someone needs a car to pick them up, what would they prefer: a nearly immediate connection to a driver courtesy of an efficient centralized server, or waiting for minutes and potentially hours for the transaction to be verified and processed? 

Final Thoughts

Although the push towards absolute decentralization is unfeasible, and in reality, decentralization benefits vary across use cases. Simply put, we don’t need decentralization for everything– centralization tends to work just fine for most things, and it shouldn’t be viewed as an enemy of what the blockchain movement seeks to accomplish. 
Ultimately, blockchain is simply just another technology to be leveraged to solve certain problems. 
Once upon a time, centralization was the solution to the disorganized chaos of the unpredictable. Our ancestors who lived in groups tended to live longer and better lives than individuals not in groups. 
These groups evolved into tribes that utilizes some form of centralization (leadership, hierarchy, enforced order) that protected its members and utilized resources more efficiently. Eventually, tribes expanded and, however indirectly, ended up becoming countries that function using the same centralized mechanics. 
Decentralization uses the evolution of the Internet and technological infrastructure to create systems that don’t require a centralized entity’s direct oversight. However, decentralized entities can only function within the scope of a centralized society.
Today’s projects are able to enjoy both the benefits of existing within the confines of a centralized society and the possibilities enabled by blockchain and the Internet. While full decentralization might be impossible, there’s no reason to fuss. 

The Best Affiliate Marketing Programs for 2019!
The Best Affiliate Programs
In this post I'm going to go into the Best Affiliate ​Programs for 2019 and beyond!
One of the BIGGEST Issues I find new Affiliate Marketers struggle with is WHAT products to promote, and where to find the best affiliate ​networks with the biggest payouts!
​That's why I created my most profitable niches ​blog post, and it's ​why I'm creating this one as well.
With so much BS, fluff and scams online these days, it's hard to tell what's legit...and what's not.
So - Without any Further Ado (Adu? Adoo? Adieu? How the hell do you spell it?)
Let's take a look at...​

​The Best Affiliate ​Programs

Finance/Investing/Trading Niche

One of the biggest markets in the world, and believe it or not - MOSTLY un-touched by affiliate marketers for some reason.  Maybe they're scared of it? I have no idea, enjoy! 🙂

​Regal Assets -​ ​​​#1 for Big Commissions (up to $30k​ Per Sale)

When it comes to The Best Affiliate ​Programs in the financial space, Regal Assets is definitely at the top of my list.
​Regal Assets is ​​​one of the world's ​top rated investment companies and pioneers in alternative assets:  market investment in and purchasing of alternative asset classes including gold, precious metals, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency for worldwide direct purchase investors, the vast US market of IRA and retirement account holders, the Canada market for RRSP and TFSA holders (precious metals only), worldwide high net worth individuals and families (HNWI), and more.
Regal provides landing pages galore, banners,  targeting and demographics info of their buyers, winning KEYWORDS from PPC Campaigns, and even a Mentorship Program for Affiliates that would like 1-on-1-help getting the ball rolling!
Regal Assets Affiliate Center
Regal Assets Affiliate Center
Here are some reasons you should become a Regal Assets affiliate:
  • ​ Life changing income potential: ​Up to $30,000+ commission for each referred customer transaction
  • ​Average sale = $65,000 = $1,950 commission; sales easily include 6 and sometimes 7 figures. (Their Target demo have money, and are actively looking to invest)
  • Up to 3% commission on the gross amount per sale, for all present and future customer sales
  • You are also paid $30 - $100 for each qualified lead​
  • Some affiliates have made $40,000+ to $100,000+ commissions in a single month
  • ​Lifetime revenue share on ALL customer transactions
>>> ​Become an Affiliate Here:

​eToro - Over $87M Paid to Affiliates So Far!

​eToro is the world’s leading social trading platform, which offers both investing in stocks and cryptocurrencies, as well as trading CFD with different underlying assets.  They're another solid contender for my ​Affiliate ​Programs list!
  • ​Promote a trusted broker regulated by CySEC, FCAGet
  • Get Support from their experienced Affiliate and IB Managers who are dedicated to your success
  • High Performing and unique banners, landing pages, Videos, E-Mails and widgets
  • Enjoy a great self-converting product
  • ​Detailed Reporting, fast and simple to use
  • New! Gain a competitive edge with the help of ​their education center

​Capitalist Exploits Insider Program -Up to $1,750 Per Sale!

​The ​Capitalist Exploits Insider referral program presents you with a way to monetize your website audience or list effectively. Unlike other referral programs which require a high volume of referrals for it to be profitable, ​they've designed ​their referral program to be attractive to partners for the following reasons:
  • A high payout, meaning you don’t need to refer thousands of people per month to make it worth your while
  • ​They’ll help you with material, promotions and campaigns
  • ​Their product is unique, so you will not be cannibalizing your audience
  • ​I love that they understand that a referral reflects on you and your brand. You’ll never feel as though you are recommending a product for the money only – ​their product and reputation speak for themselves.

Blogging/Make Money Online Niche

This is where I got my start online back in 2007 when I started tinkering with Affiliate Marketing.  The MMO (Make Money Online) Space is Evergreen, meaning it's probably not going anywhere for a long, long time.
Below, I've listed out some of the BEST MMO and Blogger friendly types of affiliate programs and companies!

​Clickfunnels - #1 in the Make Money Online ​Space

Not only does Clickfunnels provide amazing FREE training for affiliates of all levels, but you ​can promote Clickfunnels for a cool 40% commission, ​AND ​you get paid on their back end offers and up-sells as well!
It's easy (and quite common) to earn thousands of dollars per day or week as an affiliate of theirs, you just need to put in the work first.  
​Clickfunnels offers a TON of Free Training for their affiliates, and have a daily plan to become a ​Clickfunnels super affiliate in just 100 Days! Join for free at ​​​/
Clickfunnels Affiliate ​Benefits:​
​>>> Join the Clickfunnels Affiliate Program here:​/

​Thrive Themes and Page Builders

​This is what I use for ALL of my websites now, and I've used it to improve my commissions 5 fold on affiliate sites in some cases.
I'm using ​the thrive focus theme, and the thrive architect page builder to (easily) design this blog post, and most other new ones you see on this site.
  • At Thrive Themes, ​they're obsessed with conversion rate optimization and customer happiness. 
  • As an affiliate, you can rest assured that ​they're working hard to convert any visitors you send us into customers who will be thrilled to stay with us for a long time.
  • Earn 35% of each Thrive Themes sale, plus 25% for recurring commissions.
  • ​Thrive University is a Virtual LIBRARY of Affiliate Blogs, Videos and Training on not only the thrive products, but marketing in general.  They really should charge for this stuff, but it's free to join!

Shopify -ECommerce Giant, Amazing Payouts!

Use your voice to inspire entrepreneurship with the Shopify Affiliate Program
  • Average of $58 Per User (Monthly), and $2,000 for each Shopify Plus Referral.
  • Save time and money on content creation by linking to blogs, webinars, video tutorials, tools, and automated funnels developed by Shopify for your audience.

WPX Hosting - Best WordPress Hosting on the Planet (I'm Not Kidding)

>>>  (Click on the "Become a WPX Affiliate" link in the footer!)
I've used many different hosting companies before switching to WPX in 2018, and I haven't looked back since!
Not only should you promote them, but I recommend switching your hosting to them as well!
Their team (chat/email) usually responds within ​seconds (i'm not kidding) and are usually able to fix issues on the spot.
I've NEVER had better customer service with any company online, period.
More Reasons to Promote Them:
  • Up To $100 Commission Per Referral
  • Commission Payouts As Soon As 35 Days After Signup
  • Direct Skype Access To Your Affiliate Manager Mon-Fri
  • ​The Only Hosting Service Recommended By Thrive Themes
  • Unlimited FREE Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates
  • ​Sub-30 Secs. Average Support Response Time
  • ‘Fixed For You’ Service: ​They Fix Technical Issues For ​their Customers
  • Enterprise-Level Ddos Protection
  • Free Unlimited Site Transfers Within 24h
  • USA & UK Hosting Locations

Health/Fitness Niche

Market Health - Health & Beauty Products (SkinCare)

MarketHealth ​claims to haveThe Leading Health and Beauty Affiliate Program since 1998.
  • ​Industries Highest Commissions: Work Direct with Market Health to ensure the highest payouts.  All of their offers are exclusive with the guaranteed top payout on the offer.
  • ​Highest Conversions: By being in tune with the latest product trends and customer behavior as well as utilizing real time optimization software, Market Health always has the offers and pages that convert.
  • Over 200 Health & Beauty Offers: For ​years Market Health has been the industry leader in the performance based Health and Beauty space. ​They manufacture, own, and operate over Health Beauty 200 products in over 100 countries.
  • Reoccurring Income: Cash In On Product Subscriptions ​- The money doesn't stop once you had made a sale. ​You can earn recurring income on remarketing to customers via newsletters and coupon offers.
  • ​Free Resources - Landers, Banners & More​: In addition to providing a complete advertising creative suite for all of ​their products, ​their in-house design team can be available for your custom needs.

Sell Health #1 Health Affiliate Network, Since 2001

  • Top commission payouts – up to $350+ per sale
  • Industry leading conversions of your referred traffic to sales
  • A dedicated Affiliate Support Team, available by email and phone
  • In-demand products, sold with innovative, proven marketing collateral
  • Sophisticated affiliate order tracking & commission payouts
  • Commission payouts on fax, phone, and mail orders – not just Web
  • Accurate real-time statistics provided 24/7 on every sale you make
  • Friendly, responsive customer service
  • Some of the best product guarantees in the industry
  • Real people with real phone numbers to answer your questions


Earn as much money as you’re willing to work for. Some of the highest commission rates in the industry and unrivaled support mean MoreNiche affiliates are earning more. The live earnings stats speak for themselves.


  • ​​​​High Commissions - you can snag yourself between 30-80% commission per offer and pocket ongoing commissions from re-orders across all offers.
  • ​Lifetime Cookies -  Most affiliate networks only give you a measly 30-day cookie period. Which means if someone clicks your affiliate link, but doesn’t actually buy within 30 days, you get nothing. Boo! ​MoreNiche gives you lifetime cookies. Which means it doesn’t matter if someone buys weeks, months, or years down the line after clicking your affiliate link, you’ll still bag your commission. ​
  • High Converting, Global Offers  - They’ve got offers in the health, weight loss, beauty, skin care, male enhancement, fitness and bodybuilding industries.
  • Unlike other networks, you won’t find hundreds of offers. Because ​they believe you deserve quality over quantity. Keeping ​their offers pool lower means ​their traffic and conversion teams can give each individual brand the ongoing attention it needs to continue performing highly. ​​
  • A Ton More, read them at

​​Multi-​Niche Affiliate Networks

Unlike the above Affiliate Programs which are product specific, the below are more "general" affiliate networks, many with HUNDREDS of offers available to promote in a variety of niches.
(If you're still stuck on picking a niche, check out my Top Niches Article)


Clickbank is a MAJOR Affiliate Company, and the FIRST one I ever joined as a complete newbie in 2007 or so.
They hundreds ​of digital products (e-books, training videos, etc) in ​a huge variety of categories.
​They also offer Clickbank University, which is geared towards helping newbies make their first dollar, and then some online.

​​Amazon Associate Program

They don't really need an introduction, the LARGEST shopping website on Earth has a pretty decent affiliate program too! I made $4,000 this past month with them with 2 old websites I set up a year ago, so it's fairly passive for me since doing the work to get it built.
  • Free & Easy to Join
  • MASSIVE Product Catalog
  • Most commissions are on the lower side (2-8%), BUT amazon tends to convert somewhere between 3-10% of all users for at least one purchase .


​This is another one I signed up for "back in the day" when I first started, I believe I was promoting Youtube Recording Software, and iPhone 5s Cases at the time! LOL
Anyway, Shareasale literally partners with THOUSANDS of different vendors online, from Airlines, to Hotels, SAS (software) companies, sports gear, luxury stuff, Cell Phone Case Manufacturers, and a ton more.  At last count, they had around 5,000 Vendors, and growing every month.  

More Worth Looking at

​Anything I MISSED?

Let me know what niches you want info on or what affiliate networks or programs I should add to the list!
This is Version 1.0 - I will be updating this as I find new worthy networks! 🙂
One last thing...I put a lot of time into this, share or link back if you found it useful!

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Will Bitcoin Ever Be Regulated?

This article is originally published in Albaron Ventures.
As Bitcoin and other digital assets continue to grow in adoption and popularity, a common topic for discussion is whether the U.S. government, or any government for that matter, can exert control of its use. 

There are two core issues that lay the foundation of the Bitcoin regulation debate:

The digital assets pose a macro-economic risk. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can act as surrogates for an international currency, which throws global economics a curveball. For example, countries such as Russia, China, Venezuela, and Iran have all explored using digital currency to circumvent United States sanctions, which puts the US government at risk of losing its global authority. 
Bitcoin, Btc, Cryptocurrency, Cryptography, Cryptomoney
International politics and economics are a very delicate issue, and often sanctions are used in place of military boots on the ground, arguably making the world a safer place. 

The micro risks enabled by cryptocurrency weigh heavily in aggregate. One of the most attractive features of Bitcoin and other digital assets is that one can send anywhere between a few pennies-worth to billions of dollars of Bitcoin anywhere in the world at any time for a negligible fee (currently around $0.04 to $0.20 depending on the urgency.) 

However, in the hands of malicious parties, this could be very dangerous. The illicit activities inherently supported by a global decentralized currency run the gamut: terrorist funding, selling and buying illegal drugs, ordering assassinations, dodging taxes, laundering money, and so on.

Can Bitcoin Even Be Regulated?
Before diving deeper, it’s worth asking whether Bitcoin can be regulated in the first place. 

The cryptocurrency was built with the primary purpose of being decentralized and distributed– two very important qualities that could make or break Bitcoin’s regulation. 

By being decentralized, Bitcoin doesn’t have a single controlling entity. The control of Bitcoin is shared among several independent entities all over the world, making it nearly impossible for a single entity to wrangle full control over the network and manipulate it as they please. 
Bitcoin, Business, Money, Cryptocurrency, Currency

By being distributed, Bitcoin exists at many different locations at the same time. This makes it very difficult for a single regulatory power to enforce its will across borders. This means that a government or other third party can’t technically raid an office and shut anything down. 

That being said, there are several chokepoints that could severely hinder Bitcoin’s adoption and use.

  1. Targeting centralized entities: exchanges and wallets 
A logical first move is to regulate the fiat onramps (exchanges) , which the United States government has finally been getting around to. In cryptocurrency’s nascent years, cryptocurrency exchanges didn’t require much input or approval from regulatory authorities to run. However, the government started stepping in when cryptocurrency starting hitting the mainstream. 

The SEC, FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network), and CFTChave all played a role in pushing Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies across all exchanges operating within U.S borders.  

Cryptocurrency exchanges have no options but to adhere to whatever the U.S. government wants. The vast majority of cryptocurrency users rely on some cryptocurrency exchange to utilize their cryptocurrency, so they will automatically bend to exchange-imposed regulation. 

Regulators might not be able to shut down the underlying technology that powers Bitcoin, but they can completely wreck the user experience for the great majority of cryptocurrency users, which serves as enough of an impediment to diminish the use of cryptocurrency for most. 

2.            Targeting users.

The government can also target individual cryptocurrency users. Contrary to popular opinion, Bitcoin (and even some privacy coins) aren’t anonymous. An argument can be made that Bitcoin is even easier to track than fiat because of its public, transparent ledger. 

Combined with every cryptocurrency exchange’s willingness to work with U.S. authorities, a federal task force could easily track money sent and received from certain addresses and pinpoint the actual individual with it. Companies such as Elliptic and Chainalysis have already created solid partnerships with law enforcement in many countries to track down illicit cryptocurrency uses and reveals the identities behind the transactions. 

Beyond that, we dive into the dark web and more professional illicit cryptocurrency usage. Although trickier, the government likely has enough cyber firepower to snipe out the majority of cryptocurrency-related cybercrime. In fact, coin mixers (, coin swap services (ShapeShift) and P2P bitcoin transactions ( have been investigated for several years now and most of them have had to add KYC and adhere to strict AML laws. 

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, it’s going to take a lot to enforce any sort of significant global regulation on Bitcoin, with the most important factor being a centralization and consensus of opinion. The majority of the U.S. regulatory alphabet agencies fall into the same camp of “protect the good guys, stop the bad guys”, but there isn’t really a single individual piece of guidance to follow. Currently, cryptocurrencies are regulated in the US by several institutions: CFTC, SEC, IRS, making it difficult to create overarching regulatory guidelines. 

In short, yes– Bitcoin can be regulated. In fact, its regulation has already started with the fiat onramps and adherence to strict KYC & AML laws. While in countries such as Ecuador, Bolivia, Egypt and Morocco Bitcoin ownership is illegal, in the US, it would take some bending of the moral fabric of the Constitution in order for cryptocurrency ownership rights to be infringed.

However, it cannot be shut down. There are still ways to buy, sell, and trade Bitcoin P2P, without a centralized exchange. It would take an enormous effort by any government to completely uproot something as decentralized as Bitcoin, but that future seems more dystopian than tangible. 
